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Roles & Responsibilities 

of the

General Partner

Pre-Contract Phase

  1. Select potential target investment markets

  2. Evaluate potential target investment markets

  3. Select 1 to 2 potential target markets

  4. Create a website

  5. Create a company presentation

  6. Define a target audience for a thought leadership platform

  7. Create and grow a thought leadership platform

  8. Create an in-person meetup group

  9. Create a Facebook group and/page

  10. Find, interview, and select a property management company

  11. Find, interview, and select a commercial real estate broker/s

  12. Find, interview, and select a commercial mortgage broker or lender

  13. Find a business partner

  14. Find an accountant who specializes in apartment syndications

  15. Find a real estate attorney

  16. Find a securities attorney

  17. Find a loan guarantor

  18. Define the roles and responsibilities of each member of the GP

  19. Set investment criteria for deals

  20. Set GP compensation structure

  21. Set Limited Partner compensation structure

  22. Create list of investor emails in Mail Chimp (or other mass email sending service)

  23. Find passive investors

  24. Build relationships with commercial real estate brokers

  25. Subscribe to commercial real estate brokers’ on-market email lists

  26. Implement marketing strategies to generate off-market deals

  27. Underwrite deals

  28. Submit LOI and negotiate PSA

Contract-to-Close Phase

  1. Perform due diligence on the deal

  2. Create an investment summary

  3. Announce new deal to investor list

  4. Perform new investment offering conference call or webinar

  5. Send conference call or webinar recording to investors

  6. Create legal documents and send to investors

  7. Create LLCs

  8. Ensure passive investor money is transferred

  9. Set up operating bank accounts

  10. Secure financing

  11. Close on deal

Post-Closing Phase

  1. Create investor guide

  2. Notify investors of closing

  3. Send monthly recap emails to investors

  4. Send quarterly financials to investors

  5. Send K-1 tax documents to investors

  6. Answer incoming questions from investors

  7. Oversee property management company

  8. Weekly performance call with property management company

  9. Frequently analyze competition to set rents

  10. Frequently analyze the market to determine when to sell

  11. Ensure the correct distributions are sent on-time

  12. Oversee the sale of the asset

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